Fernstudium is sometimes called correspondence education, and it operates outside of the traditional boundaries of a classroom because the teacher and the student are physically distant from one another. The primary thing one should get verified before seeking admittance to a Fernstudium school is whether or not the school, and the courses offered, are accredited by a recognized governing body. Accreditation is paramount as it establishes the credibility of the school and the courses offered.
Contrary to the popular notion, Fernstudium does not always mean online education. Education may be given through the Web; but it may be equally delivered via regular post, cassettes, CDs/DVDs, interactive television sessions or satellite. You should check and select the mode of delivery, of the course, suited best to your convenience before committing to it.
Another popular myth is that distance education can be completed solely by sitting at home. Statistics prove that out of all the accredited school programs only about 80% are off-campus. Some schools offer the courses online but also require the students to attend individual orientation sessions during or around the start of each semester. Many public schools deliver Fernstudium through satellite conferences which have a limited broadcast area. So the student will have to go to the specific designated reception area to attend classes, this area, however, is designated keeping the student’s residential zone.
One may be required to attend the campus at least once either to submit his/her assignment or to take a viva test at the end of the course. Hence, one should conform to the residency requirements before getting admitted. Travel and lodging expenses may make the course quite expensive even though the tuition fees itself may be small.
Scholarships and financial aid available for a Fernstudium program may be puny compared to a regular course as the students pursuing distance education courses are not deemed as full-time. While some institutions charge set fees per credit hour or semester, some also charge other fees like technology expenses, lab fees etc. Some institutions charge a higher fee for out-station or foreign students. Therefore, one should be able to carefully calculate the cost of the course.
Also consider before joining the course the accreditation of the school, quality of the study materials, qualifications and experience of the teachers, student help and support system, duration of the course of study etc